Little Ladybug's Creations has a number of items for sale. All items are made to order so these are just some examples. As I add more items, i will add some additional pictures. All prices are for the item only and do not include shipping charges. Most everything I ship in Priority Flat Rate boxes to keep costs down, however some items do not fit and must be shipped in larger boxes. All are sent Priority Mail unless otherwise requested.
To place an order, please visit my
storeCustom Baby Wreaths: 50.00 Wreaths are straw, decorated to match any theme or decor. Personalized with handpainted lettering, and made to order. No two are alike. Here are a few examples of recent ones made:

Purses: While one design seems to be most popular, I have dozens of styles and designs available, and I can custom make just about anything you'd like.

Baby Nursery Items: Available: Bumper Pads, Crib Bed Skirts, Crib size quilts, Crib pillows, Custom lampshades, curtains, changing table pads, Boppy pillows

Quilts: Variety of sizes, designs, patterns, and fabric available. Prices vary depending upon your desires. Quilts are very time consuming, and intricate, and may seem expensive, but are very time and labor intensive. All quilts are hand cut, machine pieced, machine quilted and bound by hand. Here are a few examples of some I've made in the past for people: